Is This The Best Monster Hunter Weapon? Sword and Shield Vs Others

The Monster Hunter franchise has always been notorious for its challenging quests, ferocious beasts, and extensive arsenal of weapons. With a healthy number of weapons to choose from, Monster Hunter World guarantees players will never get bored of exploring the world and battling magnificent creatures.

However, this is also where many ask the question of which weapon to choose. Which weapon will provide the most satisfying gameplay experience while simultaneously giving great results? Most players won’t need to look further than the Sword and Shield.

In this article, we’ll discuss how Sword and Shield is different from other weapons in Monster Hunter World and explore why it reigns as the supreme weapon choice. We’ll also give you a few essential tips for mastering this weapon. Overall, we’ll settle the Sword and Shield vs Others debate once and for all!

What Makes Sword and Shield Different in Monster Hunter?

Sword and Shield Vs Others

Of course, every weapon is different from the others in some aspect. If the opposite were true, combat in Monster Hunter World wouldn’t be very fun. For now, let’s explore the difference of Sword and Shield vs others in the game.


Using a Sword and Shield will be useful for those wanting to achieve a healthy balance between offense and defense. While this makes it good for seasoned hunters who need a weapon that’s good for protection, the Sword and Shield is even better for beginners. This is because it offers a decent amount of protection, allowing you to make more mistakes as you learn to play the game. The ability to dispense attacks quickly is also a big plus for players wanting to maximize their damage output while keeping their defensive capabilities.

Elemental Flexibility

The Sword and Shield is a weapon with great flexibility regarding its elemental attributes. If you equip the right kind of elemental damage on your Sword and Shield vs others, you’ll be sure to exploit monster weaknesses and vulnerabilities more efficiently. Overall, the elemental flexibility of your weapon will allow you to take some shortcuts and prevent you from wasting precious time you could spend exploring or battling stronger beasts.

Mid-Combat Item Usage

The most unique attribute of the Sword and Shield vs others is the ability to use items without sheathing your weapon. Though this may not be the most useful feature for everyone, it’s a great option to have in the middle of combat. In short, it allows you to heal, buff, and set traps during battle. The best part is that you don’t need to compromise your defenses to do so!

Mounting Mastery

We’ve already listed the Sword and Shield as one of the most mobile weapons in the game. While this is a great asset in itself due to your ability to strike and defend quickly, it’s even better for mounting monsters. With the extra freedom to move around, hunters can mount and topple monsters more frequently and effectively.

9 Essential Tips for Sword and Shield in Monster Hunter

Sword and Shield Vs Others

If our list has already changed your mind about the Sword and Shield vs others, you’ll need to know a few things before picking the weapon up. Read on for our list of 9 essential tips for Sword and Shielf in Monster Hunter!

Mastering the Combo Chains

Combo chains are a big and important part of Monster Hunter. The Sword and Shield is no different as combos are still crucial for dealing consistent damage. However, there are various combinations you must perfect to seamlessly swap between attacking and pressuring monsters.

Perfecting the Shield Bash

While the Shield has a traditionally defensive role, keep in mind you can use it for much more than that. The Shield Bash is one of the most powerful moves you can perform with this weapon, so mastering it is essential. With the right Shield Bash placement, you can even stun beasts and unleash your follow-up attacks on them. 

Utilizing Elemental Damage

We’ve already stressed the elemental flexibility of the Sword and Shield vs others. All that’s left is to utilize this damage to make the most out of battle! This is one tip that requires you to plan each fight ahead, though. Make sure to read up and research the monster’s weaknesses and vulnerabilities. This way you’ll know which upgrades to apply to your Sword and Shield before venturing off to fight beasts.

Item Management Skills

Just because you can use items without sheathing doesn’t mean you’ll be good at it from the get-go. Developing some item management skills will be a great way to improve your Sword and Shield game. Don’t forget to stock up on healing potions, buffs, and traps. Make sure to order them in a way that will make it easy for you to access anything you need in the shortest amount of time possible!

Dodging and Evading

Although dodging and evading is not unique to the Sword and Shield, it’s much more important. Making good use of your increased mobility in battle will not only help keep you in the fight for longer, but it’ll also give you more time to land some counterattacks. You can practice evasive maneuvers that’ll keep you close to the monster, as these will maximize your damage output.

Perfecting the Mounting Technique

We’ve already mentioned the Sword and Shield’s mounting prowess, all that’s left is for you to master the mounting technique. Invest some time in learning the monster’s patterns as this will help you recognize the perfect opportunity to mount. The end result is a big advantage for your team during the battle.

Customizing Armor Skills

Customizing armor skills is no less important in Sword and Shield vs others. In the same way that elemental affinities do well for your efficiency, armor skills can capitalize on the Sword and Shield’s strengths.

Team Collaboration

Although it’s absolutely possible to play Sword and Shield on your own, you’ll have to agree that everything is more fun with teammates. If you want a weapon that’ll help you help your friends while simultaneously being a great choice for you, Sword and Shield has got you covered. However, you’ll need to communicate with teammates regularly to coordinate your attacks and unleash devastating hits on the monster.

Continuous Learning

As with anything in video games, figuring out how to use the Sword and Shield is a process that never really ends. Whether it’s because of updates, new monsters, or small discoveries, you’ll most likely be in a continuous learning state. This is where hunters with high adaptability will truly get to shine!

Why Sword and Shield Reigns Supreme in Monster Hunter

Sword and Shield Vs Others

Now that you know the basics of practicing your weapon skills, you’ll get to learn about the supremacy of the Sword and Shield vs others!

Adaptability in Multiplayer

Whether you’re looking to support your team with your items or lead the way with your combo, the Sword and Shield can adapt to your situation. Dealing damage, stunning monsters, and providing crucial buffs are no longer issues!

Solo Hunting Efficiency

Just as it can prove to be a crucial tool when hunting in a team, the Sword and Shield is a great item to use when hunting on your own. The combination of offense, defense, and utility makes sure you’re not left without the crucial elements in a fight. This further allows you to handle a variety of monsters with precision and speed. This is where the ability to use items on the fly becomes especially handy.

Strategic Elemental Exploitation

If you haven’t noticed already, exploiting monster weaknesses is one of the most important aspects of the game. The Sword and Shield is a great weapon choice for this aspect thanks to its ability to adapt to different elemental attributes. Thankfully, this particular attribute of the weapon is useful in any given situation!

Item Support for the Team

The simultaneous item use allows you to provide precious support to your hunting party through heals, buffs, and traps is an invaluable option to have. 

Agility and Survivability

Your survivability with a Sword and Shield is almost guaranteed to be far higher than any other weapon’s. The ability to dodge and evade attacks quickly and efficiently will give you an unfair advantage in a fight when it comes to Sword and Shield vs others. As a result, you’ll stay kicking for longer to be able to deliver devastating blows to your prey during a hunt!